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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Ensuring economic security as one of the marketing strategies in the industrial enterprise

Izakova N. B., starshiy prepodavatel Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta. 

This article considers enterprises from the position of economic security. Many enterprises do not make sufficient use of their resources and, as a result, are unprofitable. Therefore, the introduction of a system of economic security and elements of production marketing will help to reduce the risks in the activities of each individual enterprise. The scope of industrial marketing covers the market, which is a set of enterprises that purchase goods and services that are used in the production of other goods or services, sold or resold by other consumers. The main branches of business in which the marketing of goods for industrial and technical purposes is used are industry, agriculture, transport, communications, construction, utilities, etc. The purpose of marketing activities in this case is to meet the needs of the enterprise in the means of production and services for production purposes. The principles of production marketing provide for the work of each separate division of the enterprise, but with a high activity of participation of all its departments and services. One of the main elements of production marketing of the enterprise is the choice of its criteria. One of the criteria is the organizational side, when the company retains its organizational integrity and the functioning of the main units. The next criterion is the legal activity-compliance of the enterprise with the current legislation. The next criterion is information security. This is the state of protection of the enterprise from the loss of confidential information. And the last criterion can be called the financial and economic performance of the enterprise. This is equity, annual turnover, profitability and profit growth. This criterion can be attributed to the absence of fines from government agencies, the absence of losses from transactions.

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3. Syrov V. D. Diffundirovanie marketinga v proizvodstvo promyshlennogo predpriyatiya: Monografiya / V.D. Syrov. - M.: Rior, 2017. - 416 c.
4. Chupina I. P. Agroprodovolstvennaya politika kak sostavlyayuschaya sotsialno – ekonomicheskoy deyatelnosti gosudarstva // Sovremennye nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki». – Moskva, Izd – vo «Olimp». - 2017. - # 3 (11). S. 327 – 330.

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