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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

The Significance of Childhood Support for the Formation of Rural Territories Human Capital

УДК 331.1


Svetlana Golovina – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Ural State Agrarian University; Chief Researcher of the Institute for Analysis and Forecasting of Rural Development of the Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University. 143907, Russian Federation, Moscow Region, Balashikha, Highway Enthusiasts, 50. E-mail: s_golovina@yahoo.com.

Abstract. The article presents some results of the research on the need and possibility of rural children supporting, which is an important direction in the formation of adequate human capital within the boundaries of rural areas. The research base of the work are the official statistics, scientific publications and analytical materials on the problems of child support, illustrating both the general state of the issue and the practices in its solution in various countries of the world. The main conclusion of the study is that investments in children are investments in the future human capital of the country, and state investments in rural children are longterm investments in the future human capital of rural areas, which is important to take into account in the strategies and tactics of supporting childhood in conditions of Russian Federation.

Keywords: rural areas, human capital, childhood support, government programs, rural development.

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