Petrova O.G., d.v.n., professor Barashkin M.I., d.v.n., professor Milshteyn I.M.,k.v.n.,dotsent Uralskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet (Ekaterinburg, ul. Karla Libknehta, 42)
The formation of effective dairy cattle breeding and the creation of a regional livestock breeding management system are priority areas for the development of the Russian agro-industrial complex. Under these circumstances, to ensure the growth of volumes of milk can only be based on innovation-oriented development of dairy cattle breeding, including: the introduction of organizational and economic innovations; the optimum combination of mega-farms, dairy complexes, small and medium dairy farms; improvement of the genetic potential of the dairy herd; optimization of forage area; improvement of the system of relations between the subjects of the dairy and food subcomplex of the agro-industrial complex. The Russian Federation has developed and adopted the "Concept of long-term socio-economic development of Russia until 2020", which considers clusters as the main object of state policy to stimulate innovation. However, the existing forms of cluster organization are not widely used in a number of sectors of our country, in particular, in the dairy and food sub-complex of the agro-industrial sector. All this proves the relevance and timeliness of research in this area.
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