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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Personally oriented physical education in the university

L.A. Shinkaryuk, st. prepodavatel,

N.M. Karimov, st. prepodavatel,

B.M. Saparov, dotsent, kandidat pedagogicheskih nauk,

I.M. Dzholiev, dotsent UrGAU. 

The solution of the problem of the formation of physical culture of the individual is impossible within the framework of the traditional system of physical education, since one of its main contradictions is the inconsistency of existing forms and content with new ideas about personally acceptable methods and the organization of the process of mastering the values of physical culture.


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2. Zheleznyak YU.D. Teoriya i metodika obucheniya predmetu "Fizicheskaya kultura" / YU.D. Zheleznyak, V.M. Minbulatov. Moskva: Akademiya, 2006. 272 s.
3. Kudritskiy V.N. Professionalno-prikladnaya fizicheskaya podgotovka. Brest: BGTU, 2005. 276 s.
4. Kurys V.N. Osnovy silovoy podgotovki yunoshey. M.: Sov.sport, 2004. 264 s.
5. Landa B.H. Metodika kompleksnoy otsenki fizicheskogo razvitiya i fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti. Moskva: Sov.sport, 2004. 192 s.
6. Cardina C.E., DeNysschen C. Professional Development Activities and Support Among Physical Education Teachers in the United States // PHYSICAL EDUCATOR-US. Volume: 75. Issue: 1. Pages: 138-157. Published: WIN 2018.

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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