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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


A. V. Abramchuk, k. b. n., dotsent kafedry rastenievodstva i selektsii,

M. YU. Karpuhin, k. s.-h. n., dotsent kafedry ovoschevodstva i plodovodstva im N. F. Konyaeva, dekan fakulteta agrotehnologiy i zemleustroystva; Uralskiy GAU

The genus Rhododendron (Rhododéndron L.) belongs to the family Ericaceae (Ericaceae), contains more than 600 species and more than 8,000 varieties distributed mainly in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, from the Arctic latitudes to the tropics, in the mountains of East Asia and North America. Evergreen, poluvechnozelёnye or deciduous shrubs, shrubs, rarely small trees. Leaves simple, entire, short, entire, thick leathery, vary in shape, color, character and degree of hairiness. Flowers are large, have different colors (from white to various shades of purple, violet and yellow), on pedicels, clustered in terminal corymbose or umbellate and rarely in axillary racemes or solitary melkotsvetnyh. Very showy, Flowering plants, with a huge variety of shapes and colors unusually decorative fragrant flowers, long flowering period - it's a first-class material for landscaping. The downside is the slow growth, especially in the early years, but this is offset by longevity rhododendrons and high decorative. Recommended in single and group plantings (in pure and mixed), in the design of forest edges, alpine slides, complex compositions, look great on the lawns, rockeries irreplaceable. Propagated vegetatively (by cuttings, layering) and seeds, wild forms - mostly seeds and rooting stems and cultural forms - layering. vaccination is applied to varieties. The seedlings in the first year grow very slowly; bloom for 5-8 years. After flowering is recommended to remove the blossoms to enhance shoot formation. They prefer a place with high humidity, drained, acidic (pH 4.0-5.5) soils.

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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

Address: 620075 Ekaterinburg, ul.Karla Libknekhta, 42,

+7 (343) 221-40-01; 371-33-63 - rectorate

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