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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Specificity of organic agriculture

Voronin B.A., d.yu.n., professor,

Chupina I.P., d.e.n., professor,

Voronina YA.V., st. prepodavatel,

Uralskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet

The article considers the specifics of organic agriculture. The term "organic agriculture" seems very fashionable and ultra - modern, but it hides quite old farming methods that people used in the pre-industrial era. By and large, organic farming is a more environmentally friendly alternative to industrial agriculture, intensively oppressing the environment. There are two main goals pursued by supporters of organic farming. First, the food obtained in this way is more useful and safe for human health, which is not always possible to say about the products of industrial agriculture and livestock. Secondly, organic agriculture causes minimal damage to the environment. Ideally, the negative effect should be absent at all, but the achievability of this is still questionable. This goal is no less important, because in the end, in this way, it also manages to protect the health of people, and all, not only those who eat organic products. Organic production in agriculture seeks to adapt the need of mankind in artificially grown food products under the laws of nature, to make this industry part of the ecosystem. In this sense, industrial agriculture is on the opposite side of the scale, where attempts are made to transform nature and to subordinate it to the need to produce as much food as possible, often to the detriment of nature and the people themselves.

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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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