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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Town-planning requirements for the placement markets

Kapitskiy V.N., dotsent, zamestitel dekana po vospitatelnoy rabote fakulteta agrotehnologiy i zemleustroystva,

Uralskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet

Accommodation (formation) and the arrangement of the territory of the market is possible only within the boundaries of the element of the planning structure of the village (quarter, neighborhood) or part (s), in the presence of town-planning regulations, as well as the local regulations of urban planning, and in addition, the estimated figures provide hosted Onsite engineering infrastructure, approved by the local government.

1. Kapitskiy V.N. Zemelnaya reforma v Rossiyskoy Federatsii: rezultaty i perspektivy. // Pravovaya reforma v Rossii: problemy teorii i praktiki. Materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Ekaterinburg 1996g. S. 137.
2. Kapitskiy V.N. Poryadok registratsii prav na zemelnye uchastki. // Aktualnye problemy razvitiya biotehnologiy. Sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii 23-maya 2013g. S.82.
3. Teterkin G.P. Gorod Berezovskiy. – Ekaterinburg, [Tekst]// Sred - Uralskoe kn. izd - vo, 1998. – 416 s.
4. Rossiyskaya Federatsiya. Zakony. O roznichnyh rynkah i o vnesenii izmeneniy v trudovoy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii: federalnyy zakon # 271-FZ ot 30 dekabrya 2006 goda [Elektronnyy resurs] // http://www.consultant.ru.
5. Gradostroitelnyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii.
6. Kapitskiy V.N.O pravovom rezhime zemel krestyanskih (fermerskih) hozyaystv // Problemy sovershenstvovaniya ekologicheskogo, agrarnogo i zemelnogo zakonodatelstva. Mezhvuzovskiy sbornik nauchnyh trudov. Ekaterinburg 1998. S. 179

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

Address: 620075 Ekaterinburg, ul.Karla Libknekhta, 42,

+7 (343) 221-40-01; 371-33-63 - rectorate

+7 (343) 221-40-12 - accounting
