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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


B. A. Voronin, d.yu.n., professor Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo Universiteta I. P. Chupina, d.e.n., professor Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo Universiteta YA. V. Voronina, k.e.n., dotsent Uralskogo GAU

State regulation of the economy and finance is aimed at eliminating imbalances in the economy. At the present stage, there is a need to modernize the Russian economy in accordance with global trends and processes. At the same time, the domestic financial system is most in need of reform for its effective integration into the structure of the world financial system. Ensuring national security is, first of all, the development and maintenance of the country's defense capability, the preservation of its integrity and independence. For Russia to occupy a worthy niche in the world community, it is necessary to develop its high-tech production, strive to increase it, occupy and develop its own specific direction, increase the export of products and goods that bring high income, as well as maintain export-import relations with the world community. State regulation of finance is associated with the elimination of imbalances in the economy among producers, financial agents, as well as people of various professions and social groups. Many problems cannot be solved without the intervention of the state, therefore, regulation of the economy as a whole and regulation of finance in the private act as an obligatory element of state policy.


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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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