CHULKOVA V.V. K.S-H.N., DOTSENT. g. Ekaterinburg, FGBOU VO Uralskiy GAU, K. Libknehta. 42
Annotation. The productivity of barley varieties, which differ in precocity, depends on the soil and climatic conditions of growth. The highest yield of barley varieties was
obtained at the Manchazhsky and Bogdanovichsky variety sections, where it averaged 47.3 C/ha and 47.1 C/ha over three years, which is higher than the Tugulymsky variety section by 37.7% . At the Manchazhsky and Tugulymsky variety stages, the highest yield was in the medium-late sonnet variety of 49.1 C / ha and 31.0 C / ha, respectively. At the Bogdanovichi variety stage, the Abalak variety was the most productive-50.7 C / ha.
Keyword: barley, variety, yield, weight of 1000 grains, duration of the growing season, variety stage.