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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Innovative technologies as factor of increase in efficiency of livestock production

Gorbunova O.S., st. prepodavatel, Uralskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet.

Kalitskaya V.V., k.e.n., dotsent, Uralskiy gosudarstvennyy ekonomicheskiy universitet. 

In modern conditions of an innovation become the factor capable increase in efficiency of this sphere, in particular in livestock production is essential to influence formation of national competitiveness in the agrarian sphere. Introduction of innovations, achievements of domestic and world selection is of particular importance. In this direction development of biological systems of animal husbandry with use of methods of genetic and cellular engineering is rather new that assumes creation and use of new types of animals with the improved qualities of efficiency steady against diseases. Increase in production of livestock production in the first ocherer depends on the level of the organization of reproduction of herd of animals. Artificial insemination, is the main means of selection and allows to accelerate significantly rates of high-quality improvement of breed due to the maximum use of producers with the best genetic qualities.


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2. Nabokov V.I., Gorbunova O.S. Innovatsionnaya deyatelnost organizatsiy skotovodstva regiona // Agrarnoe obrazovanie i nauka. 2014. # 1. S. 6.
3. Nekrasov K.V., Petrov E.A., Nabokov V.I. Otsenka funktsionirovaniya organizatsionno-ekonomicheskogo mehanizma innovatsionnogo razvitiya organizatsiy molochno-produktovogo podkompleksa // Agrarnyy vestnik Urala. 2014. # 1 (119). S. 88-90.
4. Safina E.R., Malkova YU.V. Effektivnost proizvodstva moloka v selskohozyaystvennyh organizatsiyah // Molodezh i nauka. 2016. # 6. S. 147.
5. Shagdurova E.A. Innovatsii kak faktor povysheniya effektivnosti molochnogo skotovodstva. Krasnoyarskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet, Krasnoyarsk, Rossiya. kgau.ru›img/konferenc/2011/e40.doc
6. Ofitsialnyy sayt Ministerstvo agropromyshlennogo kompleksa i prodovolstviya Sverdlovskoy oblasti http://mcxso.midural.ru

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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