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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Professional competence of the teacher

Loginova S. L., starshiy prepodavatel Rossiyskogo gosudarstvennogo professionalno-pedagogicheskogo universiteta (Ekaterinburg, ul. Mashinostroiteley, 11).

Competence is the psychological factor, which includes:comprehensive knowledge of the subject and object of activity; the ability to understand any non-standard question relating to these activities; the ability to explain any phenomenon related to the activity; the ability to accurately assess the quality of work and its consequences. Competence - a skill not so much in terms of performance, but in the sense of organization and systematic understanding of all issues related to the activities, the ability to set goals and the ability to organize the solution of specific problems related to the activity in which the person is competent. In General a professional can be described as a person who masters the norms of the profession in the motivational and operational areas; effective and successful, with high performance carries out its work; following the highest standards, achieving excellence, has developed a professional setting, build their own scenario in their professional life; noise immunity to external obstacles, committed to the development of his personality and individuality by means of profession, enriches the experience of the profession an original creative contribution, enhances the social prestige of this profession in society, the interest in it.


1. Antsyferova L.I. Razvitie lichnosti spetsialista kak sub'ekta svoey professionalnoy zhizni // Psihologicheskie issledovaniya problemy formirovaniya lichnosti professionala / Pod red. V.A. Bodrova i dr. M., 2014. S. 27 - 43.
2. Kryzhko V.V., Pavlyutenkov E.M. Psihologiya v praktike menedzhera obrazovaniya. SPB.: KARO. 2010. 176 s.
3. Chupina I. P. Formirovanie obschey strategii marketinga vuza kak vybor strategii obrazovatelnyh uslug. V sbornike: Nauka segodnya: teoriya, praktika, innovatsii sbornik XI Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. 2016. S. 976-979.
4. Chupina I. P. Aktualnye problemy obrazovaniya v Rossii. V sbornike: Pedagogika i psihologiya v kontekste sovremennyh issledovaniy problem razvitiya lichnosti. Sbornik materialov XI Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya. 2016. S. 16-18.

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

Address: 620075 Ekaterinburg, ul.Karla Libknekhta, 42,

+7 (343) 221-40-01; 371-33-63 - rectorate

+7 (343) 221-40-12 - accounting
